Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Blogs Are A Magnet For The Anonymous

One thing about blogs--they're a magnet for the anonymous. Until recently, I didn't give the "anonymous" aspect to blogs much thought. But after I started posting a number of comments on another blog I noticed that most of the comments to my comments were from "anonymous" commentors.The comments were typically negative, devoid of facts, and full of the usual name calling, e.g., you're a fucking asshole, you're a right-wing nut, you're stupid, etc.. Other than an occasional initial at the end of the comments the commentors didn't leave a trace as to their identities. Why would anyone take the time to put his or her thoughts in writing only to post those thoughts in a totally anonymous manner? The obvious reason is that one who writes under the cover of "anonymous" is afraid to let on to others his or her true thoughts about certain people and certain issues. It's the old "What will the neighbors think?" routine. The "anonymous" are insecure and usually dishonest creatures with fragile egos that dread even the slightest ridicule and criticism--and they are, indeed, afraid of their own shadows.


Anonymous said...

Hey Cripps, your "current favorite talk-radio host" Michael Savage on the July 16th edition of his nationally syndicated radio show called autism a “fraud, a racket” and proceeded to explain that "in 99 percent of the cases, autism is a brat who hasn’t been told to cut the act out because they have no father around." Great guy you're listening to there! What the hell are you thinking??

-Ed S.

Anonymous said...

He loves the haters, but only when they hate the ones he loves to hate, not when they hate his own loved ones. Sad.

Rory Cripps said...

Mr. Ed: I've got to hand it to you .... I don't agree with Savage (Michael Weiner) on a number of issues. However, I do get a kick out of his raw emotion and his frequent rants and raves. And when I listen to Savage, I pick up on some of his colloquialisms that only someone that grew up in NYC (or Queens)would pick up on. By the way, Savage had a mentally and physically disabled brother that he mentions, on occasion, and that he wrote about in one of his books . . . I often "cut slack" to those that have "been there" and, consequently, I don't take offense when someone that has "been there" says something contrary to my opinions and beliefs.

Autisim in my opinion is very real. But what I haven't yet been able to figure out is where autism came from and why many kids are afflicted with it nowadays. I recall a few kids in my hometown that had some "problems" and were obviously "different" from the other kids. At the time, those kids were considered to be "slow" or retarded--and they were,indeed, relatively slow or retarded. But there is a marked difference between the behavior of those kids and the kids that are now labeled as autistic. One of those differences being that the autistic kids that I've come in contact with are by no means "slow". In fact, many of them appear to be quite fast and intelligent. Indeed, their problem seems to be that they have a native intelligence and are as lucid and cognizant within their own minds as any normal/intelligent kid--but for some reason, the autistic kids have a difficult and frustrating time articulating their thoughts or translating their thoughts into actions. It's as though autistic kids have a higher degree of separation between the various parts of their brains and it takes them minutes (or somtimes hours)to carry a thought from the beginning of their brain to the end of their brain and transduce that thought into a socially acceptable and conventional response. In other words, it's a long and frustrating journey for autistic kids because they have the right stuff on the inside, but it comes out as the wrong stuff on the outside.

Thank you Mr. Ed S. for your comment. And I mean it sincerely.

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand, Rory. Someone says YOU are the cause of your child's disabilities and suffering, blames them for faking their disability, and you "cut him some slack"?... Just because he sounds like he's from Queens and had a disabled brother? What do you think he (Weiner--appropriate name) would do to you if you accused him of causing his brother's disability... Told him to stop being a brat and cut the act??

Are You Effing Kidding Me?!?!


Rory Cripps said...

Mr. Ed, in regard to your October 17, 2008 comment I can only say this: Maybe I am the reason for my daughter's autism. Or maybe it's my wife's fault . . . or perhaps it's the fault of both of us. Or perhaps it's God's fault, or it's the Devil's fault, or it's no one's fault, or it's the result of the vaccinations that were administered to my daughter. Or perhaps there's a conspiracy on the part of the government/medical complex going on and the "conspiracy" is at fault. In other words, I and many other parents with autistic kids are clueless as to the why and how of autism.

Savage is a neurotic--and that makes him no different from most other talk-radio hosts . . . or CEOs, or politicians, or movie stars, or most Americans for that matter. If he wants to go off half-cocked and rant and rave about certain issues, I'm not going to take it personally like some father at a little-league game that over-reacts to a blatantly bad call by the umpire. I'm a free-speech/first ammendment proponent. As such, it is not my desire to see anyone thrown off the radio air-waves simply because they make absurd and ridiculous statements that are contrary or even offensive (very little offends me) to my views and beliefs. I've been listening to talk-radio for at least thirty years and in that time, I've learned to take the host's opinions and rants with a grain of salt often accompanied with many laughs.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line, Cripps: Savage-Weiner says YOU screwed up your kid, or she's just faking it. No other reason. How you as a parent are "OK" with that is just fucking amazing. It says volumes about what amounts of shit you'll swallow for your beloved ideology.


Rory Cripps said...

Yes Mr. Ed: We all swallow "shit" in one form or the other--literally and figuratively. Indeed, in order to survive we, as humans, have no choice but to. I've been of the opinion for many years that one can get rich by selling excrement--if the proper marketing and advertising techniques are applied and if the product's stench is neutralized. In other words, a "good" businessman/salesman can sell shit-on-a-stick" and have people begging for more.

The selling "shit" concept first occurred to me back in the eighties during a conversation that I had with a Russian immigrant by the name of "Steve". Steve and I were standing in the main kitchen of the Waldorf Astoria and Steve was telling me about his restaurant management experience. He told me a number of stories about his experiences and one of his stories was this: Steve managed a mid-sized restaurant in Brooklyn. Late one Saturday night, after the restaurant had closed, his walk-in-meat-box (the large refrigerator where a restaurant's meat is stored) malfunctioned. His restaurant was closed on Sunday. On Monday, Steve opened the door to the meat-box, and as soon as he opened the door the stench from the rotten meat overwhelmed him. There was about two-thousand dollars worth of meat (steaks, pork, chicken, hamburgers, etc.)in the box. Steve didn't throw out the meat though . . . he just did what most enterprising American businessmen do if they can get away with it--he exercised creative management skills in order to turn his losses into profits. Steve, simply, held his nose, and got his kitchen crew to throw all the spoiled meat into a large crock-pot along with ten gallons of cheap barbecue sauce. Steve left the spoiled meat to marinate in the barbecue sauce overnight and the next day, he "marketed" the spoiled meat as a "Combo Barbecue Special". And Steve's customers couldn't get enough of "the special". . . imagine that!

I'm so fascinated by the power of marketing and advertising and what it takes to be a successful businessman that I wrote a novella (unpublished . . . who the hell would publish my shit) entitled "A Little Brown Commodity And The American Dream".

Anonymous said...

Well said.