Sunday, December 5, 2010

America Has Become The Domain Of White Trash With Disposable Income

HA! I have the utmost respect for people's property rights and I make it a point to check and double check in order to make sure I'm within my bounds. Others need to do the same.

Living in Florida, these past 12 years, has taught me many lessons about America and Americans. One lesson is that there are an awful lot of arrogant pricks out there that drive around in fancy spanking clean vehicles and actually believe that their shit doesn't stink. And virtually all of them are white and many of them come from the Central Mid-West and Northern Mid-West.

Another lesson that I've learned is that some of the most ignorant Americans (ignorant in the literal sense of the word) are those that have more money than the average American. I coined a term for those types long ago: "White Trash With Disposable Income". LOL!

It amazes me to no end that all too many Americans, that should know better, equate one's financial worth with one's mental and emotional capacity. In my neighborhood, for example, many of my neighbors drive around in 50 and 60 thousand dollar vehicles, yet they are so uneducated and truly ignorant that it's impossible to hold any sort of intelligent conversation with them. This is what America has become: namely the domain of white trash with disposable income.

HA! Have no doubt that I've been railing against the blatant materialism and commercialism that exists here in America for decades. I sound like a pinko . . . don' t I? LOL! I didn't come to my opinions overnight. There was a time, when .most stores were closed on holidays such as Thanksgiving. Now it seems like every store is open and it's business as usual. I know that many claim that the business of America is business. But nowadays, the merchant has no country so it seems. I am struck but the amount of truly ignorant Americans that have amassed a small financial fortune throughout the years and that have gone out and purchased crap that winds up on the junk pile only a couple of years down the road. I have no doubt that Americans will literally buy shit on a stick if the shit and the stick are marketed properly.

I have never before seen, in my 56 years, the amount of self-absorbed/narcissistic ignoramuses with disposable income which I now see. It is truly frightening! America has turned into a society where millions upon millions are fixated on and obsessed with gadgets of all sorts which run the gamut of cell phones to SUVs. And what's worse is that never before has the American population ingested the amount of mind-altering prescription drugs that they're now ingesting. Americans have always been fascinated with various gadgets but we're at the point of critical mass. We are indeed saturated with crap that winds up being obsolete or on the junk heap within a years time.

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