Sunday, December 5, 2010

Progressive Hate Speech and why PC Kills

There's a pandemic that's spread throughout the Western World and it's called political correctness--PC for short. The PC pandemic wasn't officially recognized and diagnosed until the late 80s in spite of the fact that it began festering in the 60s and had its roots in the 50s.

PC is an extremely pernicious virus, in that it attacks the human mind, soul. and nervous system, as opposed to the physical body. In other words, otherwise normal, healthy-looking, and prima facie intelligent people have succumbed to the PC virus.

Those that are afflicted with the PC virus will exhibit the following symptoms: A complete and total failure to think for themselves; a complete and total failure to distinguish between up and down, backwards and forwards, and black and white; an inability to add two and two and come up with four; a fanatical attachment to a particular political and social ideology along with a blind/faith-based/dogmatic and fanatical attachment and defense of any politician and/or public figure that espouses that ideology; an inability to distinguish between shit and shine; and above all, an inability to realize that they are, in essence, committing a slow and collective suicide.

Unfortunately for the rest of us that are immune to the PC virus (due to the grace of God or some benevolent universal force), we have to suffer these PC mental and emotional basket cases because we've allowed them to seize the reins of political power to an extent, here in the U.S., Canada, and throughout much of the Western World.

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